Friday, March 6, 2009

If You See Something 3/6/09

by the Dude who does "Alien Loves Predator"

Owen: This is the comic the guy from Alien Loves Predator started writing after he quit writing Alien Loves Predator, except he didn't really quit writing Alien Loves Predator.  It's usually political.  This one didn't make sense to me for most of an afternoon, and then I got it.  The joke is that both of the video games are mostly just about shooting things.  Right?

Victor: No, it's just dumb. And kind of racist.

Owen:  It's racist cause she's Indian?  That is actually kinda racist.  Fuck, I got the joke wrong.  I suck at reviewing web comics.  

Victor: I'm not sure how much sense this guy is trying to make.  His intent is hard to pin down.  This seems to tread somewhere between Failed Attempt at Being Absurd and Failed Attempt at Being Funny.

Owen: I'm throwing in the towel.

Victor: DUDE! you can't give up, we're not done!  Naw, whatever.  I just wanted to also say that after wikipedia-ing around for like three seconds, bindis appear to have "no longer signify age, marital status, religious background, or ethnic affliliation" in their modern usage.  Just saying.

Owen: That bold text looks good.

Victor: Bolding shit is a cool look.

1 comment:

Hima said...

It is racist. Like the guy at that bar this weekend that accused us of accosting the white women in there. Is it really 1914 again? I hated that year. (Word verification, no joke: NUCKHOED)