Friday, February 20, 2009

Herman the Manatee

by Jason Viola

Owen: Where to begin?
Victor: I like the picture of the man.
Owen: I think that's supposed to be Fidel.
Victor: Looks more like Saddam Hussein, actually.
Owen: That wouldn't make any sense.
Victor: This is like underwater Family Circus.
Owen: Oh, that's what the swirly black lines are. No matter how many times I try to read this I can't actually pay attention long enough to figure out what the stupid manatees are talking about. This is so terrible.
Victor: No, yeah, the same exact thing keeps happening with me.
Owen: Who comes up with this shit? Why do you people do this?
Victor: What else is there to do?


james said...

Dang, my first thought was Stalin.

Anonymous said...

Your comments would be more entertaining if they were funny. Nice site, though. I like how you can't figure out how to display the whole comic.

KOOL A.D. said...

fuck you, anonymous.

owen said...

yeah, fuck you.

owen said...

this isn't supposed to funny, you stupid piece of shit.

Perry Von Vicious said...

Hey guys, here's an idea... how about rather than dumping on someone else's work... you create something. I'd like to see you guys do better. Also, sweet responses to someone's criticism... "Fuck You"? Really intellectual there! I'm guessing you guys are like 12 or 13, right? It's interesting how you guys can dish it out (you know, in your disjointed pseudo-english)... but you sure can't take it. Filthy Peasants!

Lei said...

This comic rocks.
You're clearly too stupid to understand it. :D