Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pictures for Sad Children

by John Campbell

Victor: This is dumb.  And racist.
Owen: Hey you speak spanish right?  What the hell is this about?
Victor: He said what are you wearing and then kept saying he didn't understand the ghost and then he felt and then he called him a "fucking strawberry" from off-panel.  It's not really racist, I just thought it was funny to say that.  How many web comics look like this?  Like, a lot, right?
Owen: Calling him a "fucking strawberry" is kinda funny.
Victor: I don't find it very funny.  In fact I find it terribly offensive and racist.
Owen: Get off your high horse, man.
Owen: I don't even know what to say to that.
Victor: Yeah, you wouldn't.
Owen: Fuck.  It's true.  I'm a white person.  I would probably love this comic if I didn't know you.
Victor: I don't even know what to say to that.

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